Recently diagnosed with celiac disease? Seeking direction and fresh ideas on how to live fully with celiac?Need a friend who understands?

Hi! I’m Justine Bryan - a lover of my husband, good food, long runs, and deep friendships. I am passionate about finding beauty in the ugly. Seeing the brokenness and choosing to know it cannot be the end. Upon my diagnosis of celiac disease, I refused to stand still. I was adamant on trying to new things while doing the heavy lifting to discover the beauty behind this disease. I was not going to let it limit me.

I love to write, and I fell into an easy rhythm of meeting pen to paper to record tips and tricks. Things I found helpful and wished someone would’ve told me who was a few steps ahead. How to pack for a trip, how to spend money wisely, and what things are gluten often hidden in? My writing also merged with my desire to eat good food, so I researched, tested, and tried until I had a cookbook full of all the foods “normal” people ate.

I hope this blog encourages you in your own story. Cheers to celebrating celiac!