A Reflection on 2022


Exactly one year ago was the first time I shared my story with you. The pain, uncomfortableness, things I’ve learned, and the many moments of fear mixed with excitement. I dove deep into many memories of celiac disease that I was certain I would have never brought up again. I shared new recipe ideas, helpful tips while shopping at the grocery store, and my go-to snacks. I shared how to move our bodies, how to engage our minds, and be as prepared as we can be while we travel or live day-to-day. How to fight the lies that we are deprived of or without our favorite treats, and that celebrating is meant for us. Thank you for believing in my story, speaking life into the brokenness, and doing this together. From ordering treats, commenting on posts, and sharing more of your personal story, I could not have done it without you. I am encouraged every time each one of you shares your story, and in the end can say, me too. Now more than ever I realize the importance of community and spending time together as we discover the life of freedom in celiac.

Towards the middle to end of last year, I stopped sharing as much. I loved what I was doing, but it felt like I needed to slow down and pause. So, I started by simply taking intentional time away for a month. But then it turned out to be almost half a year without much of Celebrating Celiac. At first, it did not seem right to say “no” to Celebrating Celiac because it was something I loved. I loved baking, sharing, giving, and posting. I loved doing this together with you. But I knew that for that season, taking a little break was what I needed, and when I was ready to return, Celebrating Celiac would still be there.

If I’m being honest, I was also caught in fear. Fear that I could not do Celebrating Celiac well or perfectly. Fear that I wouldn’t have enough time or that something would go wrong. Fear that celiac disease would limit me. But in the time off, I learned a lot about perfectionism and what it meant to be okay with doing something even in fear or in the reality that I will mess up.

When I was diagnosed with celiac, I was so focused on finding the right doctor, the right diet, the right foods, and the right rhythm. I wanted to be healed and I wanted to do it the right way. I knew my body was made for health, even with celiac, so as I started my journey, I decided it needed to be one of perfection. I’d stick to the foods that I knew made me strong and confident. I’d bring my own meals wherever I could. I’d make sure to be filled with the right vitamins and minerals, and allow ample time to cook, shop, prepare, and learn. All I wanted to do was figure out the problem and solve it.

But whenever it felt like I was getting close to finding the right path, something seemed to go wrong. I’d accidentally eat something at a restaurant that did not settle well with me. I wouldn’t prioritize my meal planning and would get into situations where I’d have to compromise. I’d get sick and wouldn’t tell anyone. I’d let fear overtake me. I’d believe the lies that celiac disease was pulling away all the good. But when I got to those places, I could not stay there. I had to pick up my journal and write the promises I believed to be true. Celiac could not have that control.

Because celiac will always be a part of me, I had to change my mindset. I had to press into my mistakes, find reasons to laugh, and remember the strength of my body. When I realized perfectionism was not my goal, I made strength, patience, and celebration my goal. Strength, patience, celebration. It was my new song to sing!

So in that, I am entering into Celebrating Celiac with the same mindset. No, I cannot do this perfectly, but I can enter into this with strength, patience, and celebration.

In 2023, I hope to return back to the kitchen and the blog. To enter back into the celebration of celiac. I hope to share more of what I have learned, while also helping you with where you are in your story.

I am excited that more treats will be coming to your doorstep and table! And, big news, starting this year I will be shipping cookies! You heard that right! Shipping! I am thrilled that now all of my celiac friends can head over to my order page and enjoy the best cookies on the planet.

I am SO excited about what is ahead! Let’s do this with strength, patience, and celebration.

