Moving in imperfection.


My goal is to never stop sharing. To continue to reveal the dark, long hallways of my story with celiac by sharing what’s been helpful or unhelpful. The moments of learning that have lead me to health and healing. To bring light to your story and hope to your today. To remember our stories do not define us but rather to see our stories as just a small part of who we are. Maybe you don’t even have celiac, but you know a friend who does, or even a friend of a friend. Maybe you host a celiac friend and want to know how to better love them in their disease. Or maybe there’s a birthday coming up and you need a cake made or recipe shared, or the simple reminder we can have cake on our birthday. 

I don’t have everything together and I certainly don’t have all the answers. However, I do have stories. A desire to share and eagerness to help. My hope is to reach those who feel alone and lost. With my blogs, as imperfect as they may be, I pray they will meet you where you’re at and give a pep to your step. I am thankful for you. For listening and loving. For hearing my story, trusting me with yours, and doing this together. I am excited to share more of what I’ve learned and be a resource for those in their celiac disease. This is a two way street, friend, so reach out and connect. You are seen and loved! 


Preparing: An Intro


Sharing My Story: Part Five