Preparing: An Intro


One of my least favorite parts about having celiac disease is the extra work it takes to prepare. So long are the days of being spontaneous, packing light, and throwing together a suitcase the morning of. Preparation takes weeks. Drawn out planning sessions thinking through not just outfits, but meals, snacks, and the best way to transport the goods. Sometimes, in the weeks leading up to a trip, I can become too overwhelmed with what must be done or gathered that I miss the excitement of preparing. I miss the chance to celebrate why I’m spending extra hours meal prepping or grocery shopping.

As I look around our city this time of year, our homes, our hearts, and the works of our hands are also preparing. Preparing for Christmas. Decorating the streets and trees. Gathering gifts for loved ones, filling stockings, and trying out new and old recipes that will be shared with those in celebration. All around we are getting ready knowing what’s awaiting us. Our savior. The celebration of his birth. It’s like a party and everyone can’t help but prepare for the celebration. Sometimes we get too overwhelmed with the planning, but we never forget the day of Christmas or the moment when our legs will finally be under the table with loved ones. The reason behind the preparation is rarely lost.

In my disease, I sense this same type of celebration. After buying a plane ticket, booking a hotel, or setting a trip on the calendar, the next thought can be a type of anticipatory celebration. I don’t have to grumble in my added days of planning. I don’t have to bring heavy tears to the store or the cookbook. I don’t have to dread the extra but necessary steps. I can rest in what’s ahead. Upon my diagnosis, the planning became crucial while simultaneously becoming a burden. As I am now a year into my disease, I have gone on many trips, cried many tears, prepared poorly, and prepared anxiously. But I’ve tasted the fruit. The preparation does lead to great reward. With helpful tips and tricks to better equip me during my planning, I now know the dos and don’ts in order to maintain the celebration. Planning for trips with celiac can be as joyful as preparing for Christmas!


Preparing: The Thoughts


Moving in imperfection.